Monday 31 August 2015

How to Amplify Your Content ROI

How to Amplify Your Content ROI
These digital days, content has taken on a new meaning. Over the years, it has gained significance and become one of the key drivers of significant growth.
However, while everyone might be talking about it, not everyone knows how to use their content marketing strategy effectively, despite the cliché saying, “content is king” echoing throughout the business industry.
Content plays a vital role in delivering return on investment. It is perhaps one of the most effective marketing strategies businesses can rely on to generate leads. Statistics show that 71 percent of B2B companies use content for lead generation. But not all of them have become successful. Here’s what you can do to make your content effective at delivering ROI.

Use Contextual Content

This is the starting point of any content marketing strategy. Creating content within the correct context is vital. You have to consider what your target audience needs—what they are looking for and the answers they’re seeking. Adjust your content to what your potential customers need, not the other way around. Context simply means customizing your content based on where and how your audience reads it.
This requires a lot of research before you can arrive at a potential contextual topic. Before you can arrive at a topic, you first have to determine you target audience—what they love to read and how they consume your content. Is it through laptops, tablets, or smartphones? By careful considering these factors, you will be able to come up with the right content that will capture the interests of your target market.

Create a Personality

In content marketing, your personality counts—a lot. It is the way you deliver your message to your readers or target consumers in a unique and clear manner.
It is not just about your choice of words or how you construct your sentences. It’s about how you create your name from your content. Imagine removing the logo and the brand from your content. Can your consumers still tell it’s yours?
There are simple ways you can create personality in your content. Try telling a story, write it in a unique tone, and blend humor to make your content reactive and stand out from the rest.

Use Semantic Keywords

Though keywords are not the focus of digital marketing anymore, they do carry weight. Incorporate latent semantic indexing in your content to boost your organic traffic.
But what if too many keywords make your content unappealing? Avoid keyword stuffing to ensure great content. This is when we have to make use of our LSI. LSI keywords are keyword-related terms you can sprinkle all over your content. To search for semantic keywords, try searching for your chosen topic in your browser. The suggested terms are your LSI keywords. If you want to be specific, you can also try Google Adwords keyword planner.

Don’t Settle on Your Blog Alone

When your blog fails, how can you deliver ROI from your content? While setting up a blog can help in generating leads, it is not enough. Try to find other mediums where you can post content and deliver information to your target users.
Reach out to other marketers within your industry, and see if you can exchange valuable content with one another. Not only does it help you in content distribution, but it will also help you in expanding your reach to their audience.
As content marketers, we rarely come up with a unique topic that no one else on the web has written about. Instead, focus on writing a unique piece for each prospective blogging platform and adapt to their writing style.

Create a Variety of Content

How do you create share-worthy content? Creating a text-based piece can only do so much. Content marketing is more than writing blogs. When you think you have exhausted all topics through blogging and content writing, try repurposing and repackaging your articles.
Consider other types of content to help you drive more traffic, generate leads, and boost conversions. Infographics, videos, Powerpoints, and downloadable PDFs are just a few on the many content types you can try.

Nail Your Call-to-Action

How will you encourage your target users to take the next step? Create a call-to-action. As a content marketer, you are not creating content to impress, but most importantly, to persuade. CTAs play a crucial role in urging users to explore your business. The correct use of a CTA can promote lead generation and conversion.
How you include CTAs varies from one piece of content to another. Some content works best when you end it with a question, while others are better ended with an encouragement to post opinions in comments. It’s up to you to decide which CTA works best.

Build a Social Interaction

The importance of social media in digital marketing cannot be stressed enough. When it comes to content, social media is the heart of content distribution. Both content and social media work hand-in-hand to boost marketing efforts. Social media enables content to be distributed in various channels. This expands the reach to a wider audience and encourages customers’ responsiveness.

Make It Measurable

How will you know if your content marketing goals have been reached? For every goal you set, you have to figure out a way to measure your growth. The effectiveness of various types of content cannot be derived by a mere assumption. Data and supporting information are needed to measure how your content contributed in delivering ROI to your business.
To measure content effectiveness, there are several types of content metrics you need to consider, including shares, traffic, and lead generation. You can use Google Analytics or other effective online analytics tools to measure content metrics.
Content marketing plays a vital role in the growth of your business, but that role isn’t just about creating content. As a content marketer, you have to extend your effort to drive leads, deliver ROI, and achieve a job well-done.
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